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Capturing Movement: How We Take Clear Candid Photos

Discover how to capture clear, candid photos of movement with NTP 2 Photography. See camera settings, lighting, and iPhone photography tips for stunning results.

When it comes to high-action photos, professional photographers can still capture lightning-fast photos that are as clear as any other! Even though hiring a pro ensures the best, this skill isn’t just for professional photographers; with the right techniques, you can also achieve stunning results with your own cameras. 

At NTP 2 Photography, our expertise lies in capturing crisp and pristine photos in any environment. Here's an insight into our approach to camera settings, lighting, and some tips you can use for your personal photos. 

Understanding Camera Settings 

To effectively capture movement in your photography, adjusting the settings is where it all happens. These settings are the tools that allow you to manipulate how your camera interprets a scene, especially when dealing with moving subjects.  


Here's a breakdown of the key settings to consider: 


  • Shutter Speed: This is crucial for capturing movement. A fast shutter speed, like 1/500th of a second, freezes motion, ensuring your subjects are sharp and clear. For more dynamic movements, you might need even faster speeds. 


  • ISO Sensitivity: In lower light, a higher ISO helps capture better images without flash. However, a higher ISO can make your photos grainy, so it’s important to find the right balance. 


  • Aperture: A wider aperture (a lower f-number) allows more light in, which is useful when you're using fast shutter speeds. It also creates a shallow depth of field, making your subject stand out from the background. 


Lighting is Key 

Good lighting is essential. Natural light works best, providing a soft, flattering effect. Indoors, try to position your subject near a large window. Outdoors, overcast conditions offer even lighting. Avoid the harsh midday sun, which can create strong shadows and squinting subjects. 


iPhone Photography Tips 

Your iPhone is a powerful tool for capturing candid moments. Here are some tips to get the most out of it: 


  • Use Burst Mode: This lets you take multiple shots quickly, increasing your chances of capturing the perfect moment. 


  • Focus with a Tap: Tap on your screen to focus on your subject, especially in action shots, to keep them in sharp focus. 


  • Enable HDR Mode: HDR is great for scenes with a mix of light and dark areas. It balances these out for a clear, detailed photo. 


  • Edit with Care: Use editing apps to tweak exposure, contrast, and sharpness. This can greatly improve the quality of your photos. 


Capture Clearly with NTP 2 Photography  

Taking great candid photos of moving subjects is all about getting comfortable with your camera settings, playing with lighting, and practicing. It's not just about having the right gear or the perfect lighting – it's also about capturing those unguarded moments that really tell a story. Whether you're snapping pics at a family gathering or just capturing daily life, these tips can help you freeze those special moments with clarity and vibrancy, just like we do at NTP 2 Photography. 


We're all about capturing life as it happens, in all its spontaneous, beautiful chaos. Whether you want to learn more, need some inspiration, or are thinking about booking a professional shoot, we're here for you. Let's create some amazing photos together! 

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Eric Bunch Eric Bunch

How to Use Key Lights to Make Your Portraits POP!

Learn how the power of strong key lights can transform portrait photography with NTP 2 Photography in Tampa, FL. Elevate your portraits, one light at a time!

Photography's magic often lies in the details. And one detail that packs a punch? Lighting. Specifically, key lights. If you've ever wondered why some portraits just seem to "pop" while others fall flat, key lights might be the secret ingredient.  

At NTP 2 Photography in Tampa, FL, we're nerds for capturing perfect lighting. So, check out a few of our tips to get the lighting right every time! 

Key Lights: Every Portrait's Secret Sauce 

A key light is your main light, shining bright and casting the primary illumination on your subject. Why's it a game-changer? It's all about direction and intensity. When used right, a key light can set the tone of your portrait, craft depth, and emphasize your subject's best features. 

  • Setting the Tone: The angle of your key light can play with emotions. A light from above? Dramatic and powerful. From the side? Soft and mysterious. 


  • Creating Depth: Combine your key light with other lights, and boom! Your 2D image suddenly feels 3D, full of life and depth. 


  • Highlighting What Matters: Want those eyes to sparkle? Or the jawline to stand out? It's all about where you place your key light. 



Mastering the Art of Key Lights 

While it's tempting to say, "just pop on a key light," there's more nuance to it. But don't stress. Here are some pointers to guide you. 

  • Play with Distance: Bring your key light closer for a soft, flattering effect. A bit further away? Expect sharper contrasts. 


  • Angle Adventures: Try different angles. Move that key light around. The mood of your portrait can shift with every tweak. 


  • Intensity is Key: Every portrait doesn't need a super-bright key light. Play around. Use diffusers or adjust settings till it feels just right. 

The NTP 2 Photography Touch 

Photography isn't just about the gear; it's about the vision behind the lens. In Tampa, we've been weaving stories with the help of key lights. Want to be part of that story or learn more? Give us a call today!  


At NTP 2 Photography, we're all about making those portraits unforgettable. Book your next session online. 

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Eric Bunch Eric Bunch

5 Poses for Your Next Photoshoot 

Get ready for your branding photoshoot with these 5 essential poses. From the classic headshot to candid captures, NTP 2 Photography will bring out your best!

Every entrepreneur knows that first impressions matter. When presenting yourself and your brand, a strong, professional headshot is key. But how do you strike a pose that says 'confidence' without coming off as forced? For those prepping for a branding photoshoot, here are five go-to poses to consider. 

1. The Classic Headshot  

This is the quintessential pose for professionals in every field. It's direct, and it's all about your face. 

  • Sit or stand straight with shoulders relaxed. 

  • Turn your body slightly to the side but keep your face forward. 

  • Maintain soft eyes and a genuine, warm smile. 


2. The 'Over the Shoulder' Look  

Great for those who want a bit of intrigue in their shot. 

  • Stand sideways to the camera. 

  • Turn your head to look over your shoulder at the lens. 

  • Let your nearest shoulder relax, avoiding any tension. 


3. Power Pose  

When you want to exude confidence and assertiveness, this is your pose. 

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. 

  • Place hands on hips or let them hang naturally by your sides. 

  • Lift your chin slightly, giving off an empowered demeanor. 


Quick Tip: Always try to keep a little movement while posing whether that’s adjusting your hair, clothing, or even a slight rock back and forth! This prevents awkward, stiff looking poses.  


4. The Relaxed Sit  

Ideal for a more laid-back, yet professional vibe. 

  • Sit at the edge of a chair or stool. 

  • Cross your ankles or place your feet flat on the ground. 

  • Rest your hands on your lap and offer a relaxed smile. 

  • Bonus points if you bring your dogs!

5. Candid: Embracing the Natural  

Sometimes, the best pose is no pose at all. Authenticity resonates deeply in branding photography. Let your guard down and interact with your surroundings. Whether it's laughing at a joke, pondering a thought, or simply being engrossed in a task, these moments capture the genuine essence of who you are. Let your photographer snap away as you just be you. 

Perfect Your Pose with NTP 2 Photography  

Preparing for a branding photoshoot can be a blend of excitement and nerves. However, with the right guidance and a trusted photographer like NTP 2 Photography, you're sure to end up with shots that reflect both your personal and brand identity. 

Ready to get started? Book an appointment today! 

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Eric Bunch Eric Bunch

Business Branding Shoot Checklist

Elevate your Tampa business with impactful branding photos by NTP 2 Photography. Let's shape your visual journey together, creating images that truly resonate!

Pictures are worth a thousand words, right? Well, when it comes to business, those thousand words are often the difference between a passing glance and a new client! Standout images can be your lifesaver, helping your brand stick in the minds of your customers. 


NTP 2 Photography isn’t just behind the lens; we’re right beside you, helping your business shine in each shot. But how do we get from a mere idea to pictures that tell your story perfectly? Let’s go over everything that goes into a branding photoshoot

Creating Images that Speak For You 

Imagine flipping through a photo album of your brand – what do you see? Every shot should be a snapshot into the soul of your business, a peek into what makes your brand tick. Your photos need to do more than just look good; they need to be a visual handshake, introducing your business in a friendly, engaging way.  


This way, when customers see your photos, they think, “Yep, this is the brand for me!” Ensuring each image is a vibrant echo of your company’s voice means keeping it genuine, consistent, and always, unmistakably you. 


Make a Bigger Impact > Why High-Quality Photography is Needed Online 


The Nitty-Gritty of Planning: More than Just Details 

While we’re all about capturing the spontaneous and authentic, we need some planning to prevent those “Oops, we should’ve...” moments during the shoot.  


So, consider what the ideal shoot would consist of! What's your backdrop – the sunny Tampa locales or a cozy indoor setup? What kind of accessories should we have in the photos, from business cards to wrapped cars, bring out all the ‘props’ you can imagine. 


It's in these details that your photos find their personality, telling your brand's story. 


Your Branding Photoshoot Checklist 


1. Brand Elements 

  • Logo: Branded items like stationery, bags, and tags 

  • Color Palette: Items or clothing that align with your brand colors 


2. Wardrobe 

  • Variety: Multiple outfits that represent your brand and personal style 

  • Accessories: Think jewelry, scarves, ties, and belts 

  • Comfortable Shoes: Especially if we’ll be moving between different shoot locations 


3. Products 

  • Best Sellers: Showcase what your customers love most 

  • New Releases: Tease upcoming items or services 

  • Variety: A mix to showcase the breadth of your offerings 


4. Props 

  • Industry-Specific: Items that speak to what you do (e.g., laptop, camera, tools) 

  • Lifestyle: Think about casual items like books, mugs, or plants 

  • Themed Props: Depending on your branding and any particular campaign 



Shoot Day: Making Every Click Count 

Lights, camera, and... relax! Your shoot day with NTP 2 Photography is where the planning meets the fun. We keep things breezy yet focused, ensuring that the energy of the day translates into images that are both lively and professional. So those natural laughs, genuine smiles, and candid moments? They’re all caught, not crafted. 

NTP 2 Photography: Your Visual Partner in Tampa 

When you team up with NTP 2 Photography, you’re not just getting a photographer – you’re gaining a visual partner who’s as invested in your brand’s image as you are. Your stories become our frames, ensuring every photo is a slice of your business’s life, perfectly encapsulated. 


Ready to let your branding do the talking through stunning visuals? We’re here to make sure they say all the right things. Let's link up, discuss ideas, and start mapping out your company’s visual journey. Your perfect shot is waiting; let's capture it together!  


Book your next business branding session today! 

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Harnessing the Golden Hour: Perfecting Sunset Photography in Tampa 

Dive into the secrets of capturing Tampa’s mesmerizing Golden Hour. With NTP 2 Photography, embrace the art of sunset shots amidst Tampa's iconic landscapes.

In the vibrant city of Tampa, every sunset paints a masterpiece across the sky. For photographers, this elusive "Golden Hour" offers a canvas of brilliant hues, casting the world in a warm, dreamlike glow. With the backdrop of Tampa's skyline, capturing this moment can create some truly iconic shots. Especially for those who have experienced the breathtaking sunsets by Tampa Bay, the allure of immortalizing that scene through a lens becomes an enticing endeavor. 

However, seizing this fleeting light can be a challenge. Luckily, NTP 2 Photography has all the secrets to perfecting sunset photography in this radiant city. 

The Magic Behind Golden Hour Photography 

Sunset, or Golden Hour, is not just about a descending sun. It's about the angle of the light, the interplay of shadows, and the soft, diffused ambiance it creates. In Tampa, with its unique coastal and urban vistas, the golden hour bathes the landscape in a warm, golden tone that’s a photographer’s dream. 

During this time: 

  • The sun casts elongated shadows, adding depth to your photos. 

  • The intensity of direct light diminishes, preventing overexposure and harsh contrasts. 

  • The colors shift from cooler daytime tones to warm, rich evening hues. 


Embracing Tampa's Unique Scenery 

Tampa's varied landscape offers a plethora of sites for sunset photography. From the olde-worlde charm of Ybor City to the serene shores of Tampa Bay, choosing the right location can set the tone for your photos! 

Consider these elements: 

  • Reflections: The calm waters of Tampa Bay can mirror the sunset, doubling the visual impact. 

  • Silhouettes: Use Tampa's distinctive skyline or the palms at Bayshore Boulevard to craft dramatic silhouettes against the sunset. 


Mastering the Technicalities 

To truly harness the golden hour in Tampa, one must also master the technical side of photography: 

  • White Balance: Adjusting this can help capture the warmth of the golden hour without it appearing overly yellow. 

  • Exposure: Remember, the light changes rapidly. Regularly adjust your settings to prevent over or underexposed shots. 

  • Composition: Utilize the rule of thirds. Position the sunset off-center for a more dynamic composition. 

Ready to Capture Tampa's Golden Moments? Connect with NTP 2 Photography! 

Sunset photography, especially in a city as stunning as Tampa, goes beyond just clicking a button. It's about understanding the light, the landscape, and the moment.  

If you're looking to perfect your sunset shots or wish to learn more, NTP 2 Photography is eager to guide you through every shutter click. Reach out to our expert team today, and let's transform those fleeting moments into timeless captures. 

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