Best Colors to Wear for Your Professional Headshots 

As your professional photo day approaches, selecting the right outfit can become a stressful task! One thing that’s often overlooked is choosing the right colors for your headshot. Just like Golden Hour can enhance outdoor photos, the perfect color palette can enhance your professional image. 


At NTP 2 Photography, we know how to create powerful, confident, and approachable headshots. Need more advice? Our experts at NTP 2 Photography are here to help! Contact us today. 

Why Color Matters in Professional Headshots 

Color choice is essential because it influences how people perceive you in your professional headshot. Different colors evoke different moods and can either complement or detract from your natural features. 


The best colors for professional headshots are typically neutral or muted shades, as they don't distract from your face. However, bold colors can also work depending on your profession and personal style. 


The Role of Skin Tone in Color Selection 

Understanding the undertones of your skin, a significant aspect of people of all colors (POC), can help you determine the most flattering colors for your professional headshot. The right color choices can highlight your unique features and make your professional image pop. Here's a brief guide: 


  • Cool undertones - This includes people with blue or pink undertones often found in fair to medium skin tones. Colors like deep blues, rich greens, and purples typically complement this skin undertone. 


  • Warm undertones - These are often present in a wide array of skin tones from light to dark, characterized by yellow, peachy, golden, or red undertones. Earth tones like browns, mustard yellows, and oranges are excellent choices. 


  • Neutral undertones - If your skin is a balance of warm and cool undertones, or if it's olive-toned, you fall into the neutral category. You're fortunate as most colors will suit you, from muted tones to more vibrant hues. 


Remember, these are just guidelines. The most important thing is that you feel confident and authentic in your color choice, regardless of your skin tone. 


How Profession and Industry Affect Color Choice 

The colors you select should also consider your industry and the message you want to convey. Here are a few examples: 


  • Corporate Jobs - Stick with neutrals and darker tones for a more formal, authoritative look. 


  • Creative Jobs - Feel free to explore more vibrant colors to showcase your creative side. 


  • Healthcare Professionals - Light blues and greens evoke a sense of calm and trust. 


  • Educators - Warm, approachable colors like burgundy or royal blue are great choices. 

Find Your Best Color with NTP 2 Photography 

Selecting the right outfit for your professional headshots can be a headache, but we’re here to help! At NTP 2 Photography, we're skilled at helping you create a professional image that truly reflects who you are. 


Let's find your best color! Contact us today to schedule your next professional headshot session. 


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